Monday, September 30, 2013

You're Fired

What’s going down everyone?

It’s been a while since my last blog. We took some time off to focus on our upcoming album “Evolution’s Mistake”. As stated in our last blog by Marco it sounds pretty good so far. Our second mix is complete and it sounds great. This recording really captures what we wanted all along which was to get the sound we have in our jam space and live shows and put it on CD. Mission accomplished. Once we agree on final changes to the mix it’s off to mastering for the final touch. Next step is album concept and pictures and all that shit.

We have begun to rehearse for our eventual return to live performances. Getting all the rust out and kinks straightened. We are experimenting with using an intro for our live shows. We never did shit like that before. It was pretty much plug in and start jamming. I am not a fan of intro’s myself but it does bring another dynamic to the performance. So I am game to see how it plays out.

October is right around the corner and that means hockey season is back.
It also means that Halloween is not to far away. I am huge enthusiast when it comes to Halloween. It’s the one time a year when grown ass people can dress up and have fun without ridicule. This years Halloween theme is 80’s Wrestling stars. Can’t wait to see everyone in costume. 

That’s it for me.

Take care.



Monday, September 23, 2013

A Chip Off The Old Block!

Hello to all,

Well it's good to be back on the blog, I was just watching my little girls rockin' out to some of Desolate Rage. Let me tell you, there is nothing better than me seeing a 2 and 6-year old enjoying some of daddy's music. My oldest holds the guitar like she's a pro and my little one loves hitting toy drums and anything she can find like a little rockstar! I think I'll get her a drum set soon to help me drive my wife crazy!
On another note, we are finally on the final stages of completing the album and it is good to be back at rehearsal. We had some rust to clean off since its been a couple of months since we rehearsed, but we're getting back into the swing of things again. Some finishing touches need to be made in the mix and then it's onto mastering. It's cool to come up with different ideas on the artwork for the album and try to make it flow with the music, I think it will be different then anything we have done in the past.
As for the music on this album, I won't say it is the best metal album ever recorded(it's the greatest album ever But in all honesty for me, it is the best recording we have done in the sense where it captures our true sound and what we do at rehearsal. I would say that this has been a success for me at least because I've always wanted to convert what our true sound is over to the listener and say: " this is Desolate Rage, take it for what it is, this is us in the flesh".
I want to thank my troops in Desolate Rage for creating something real and for never letting up on eachother even when we thought we couldn't hold onto this ride anymore, those times when we thought it was just too much and wanted to hit somebody the way brothers would, we always manage to hold on and make it to the next chapter and keep going.

Here's to perseverance.

Here's to Desolate Rage.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just Breathe

What's Up Everyone,

So things around the DR camp are taking shape......We have the album mixed and are listening to the first cut of it and so far it sounds really good!! We're back to rehearsing on a regular basis again and we're getting our shit together and clearing off the rust (nothing like being on a 4 month break while recording to build up that rust) so that we can get out there and play live again for you all. 
    We're starting to work out all the details of the album and it's exciting and a pain in the ass all at the same time but the end result should be really fucking cool so I guess I shouldn't complain...much! Apparently some big dummy is doing the write up for next week so stay tuned for more "Evolution's Mistake" news as it becomes available.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Never Again, Maybe

Hi everyone, it's beeen awhile and I'm writing this blog first cause you won't hear from me again.....maybe. I mean I'm not a big fan of writing "blogs" and shit. I don't even own a computer, you can't find me on Facebook, etc. Whatever, if I got something to say I'll "POP" a blog now and then. Until we meet again....
You Bud, 
Nelson F.